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Praise for Teddi Yaeger Photography

Nice words from such nice customers:

“‘A picture is worth a thousand words’...How is it that I cannot express in words how wonderful our wedding photos are? You did an incredible job and we absolutely LOVE them! You took the time to listen to exactly what we wanted, so in return that is what we got! You captured every detail just the way we remembered it, and can now remember it for a lifetime. There were pictures that I could actually hear the person laughing - the moment was so well captured. You became part of the wedding itself, and blended in just like one of the family. We have found our photographer for a lifetime! Thank you, Teddi - THANK YOU, THANK YOU!”
– Jon & Kerri Baer

“Hi Teddi, I just wanted to write to let you know how wonderful our wedding pictures are. There are so many pictures that perfectly capture the moment, we are truly amazed that you were able to document so many special moments. All of our friends and family commented on how well you blended with the crowd and were not obvious when taking pictures. We really appreciate the work you did for us and will cherish the photos forever. We know we have found a photographer for life and look forward to having you document other special moments in our lives. Thank You!”
-Don and Marna Carroll

“Hi Teddi, Joe and I are so pleased with our photos. Everyone who looks at them is stunned by how beautiful they are - I look at them daily and I’m still stunned every time. You really did an amazing job; they all have great composition and such classic style. You exceeded our expectations and went above and beyond what we asked for. I was showing my photos to a friend of a friend (I whip out my albums every chance I get) who proclaimed that these were ‘the best wedding photos’ she had ever seen and even though she had never met any of the people in the photographs she felt like she knew all of them personally. Not only did you capture the smiles, the events and all the little details, you captured the spirit of our day as well. After all the effort it took to make my dress, arrange the flowers, burn CDs, pour candles, etc., it’s so rewarding to have all that hard work memorialized in captivating photographs that Joe and I can enjoy for the rest of our lives. We simply can’t thank you enough!”
- Skye & Joe Shisler

“Dear Teddi, I didn’t get to properly thank you when you gave us the pictures so now I’m taking the time to do so! I was just so overwhelmed at how wonderful they are. I can still look at them today and think, “Wow, that’s me?” For one of the first times in my life I looked beautiful and have to take a second look to be sure it’s me. It was worth every penny I spent on them. Everyone who sees them are just full of praise and comments about how great they turned out, how vivid the color is, what a great eye you have and on and on. If only you could be present every time I open the album. Thank you, Teddi, for making me look beautiful and making my family and friends look just like that, family and friends. Since having a second wedding was so special for us and very personal, it has only been made more special by having you there and capturing our special time. From the bottom of our hearts, Teddi, thanks.”
- Marcie Kahler-Davis and James Davis

“Teddi, Denise and I were talking while we were looking at the pictures and I asked her, “How do you thank someone who captured your one and only wedding day so perfectly as to capture everyone’s individual personality as well as capturing the emotions of everyone there?” We were so amazed at how perfectly you took our day and turned it into an album of memories to where we can look back at our album and remember the day as if it were yesterday. So many times we see wedding albums of other people and they are almost cookie cutter wedding pictures as if they were all at the same wedding! You made our album one of a kind and we were so impressed and grateful that you made our pictures come alive and you made each individual’s personality come alive with each photo. I asked Denise how do we thank you enough other than to pay you and Denise responded “repeat business”. I agreed and when we get pregnant we will call you, when our child is born we will call you and when we need family pictures, we will call you. Thank you so much, we love them all and we love the way the album was put together. We wouldn’t have changed anything or asked for anything more.”
- Melanie Inglish and Denise Brewer

“Teddi, Melanie and Denise came over last night to share the pictures from their June 28th Commitment ceremony, and they are just beautiful. You captured perfectly the beauty and emotion of what was a very special day for all of our family. I know they were both so pleased with your work, too. We know the event wasn’t the average wedding and the sensitivity and care you took meant a lot to all of us who love this special pair, and having you a part of it was perfect. Your photography speaks for itself; you are a very talented professional. Thank you so much.”
- Tim & Connie Inglish

“I’m writing this brief note from my honeymoon to try to express a small part of how happy and grateful we were to have our wedding photographed by you. I was so pleased to have you at my side almost the entire day. Your humor, pleasant conversation and calm professionalism helped anchor all of us to the moment. Thank you again.”
- Catherine and Andrew Warren

“I just have to take a moment and tell you how amazing the photographs you took of our wedding are. Ryan absolutely loves them! I’m still making the rounds with them...I get so excited every time I get to show them to someone new. I know I’ve looked through the books at least five times since we got them. It seems every time I look through them there’s something new to appreciate.”
- Sara Sweeney and Ryan Bradt

“Lee and I just wanted you to know that we are thrilled with our wedding photographs and your professionalism, as well as your ability to capture all the right moments so that we have a great story to tell around the event. Looking through the pictures…I was so thrilled that we decided to use you for the wedding. We had that gut instinct the first time we met you that you would be perfect for our once-in-a-lifetime event and we couldn’t be happier with the outcome of our pictures.”
– Heather Hayes and Lee Fergestrom

“Thank you so much for all that you did for us to make our wedding day so much more special. You are a wonderful photographer – very patient, thoughtful & professional - and just an all-around neat person to be around. We all felt so incredibly comfortable around you...what a pleasant treat for all of us.”
– Colleen Desmond and Dan Discenza

“Teddi, I spent all day today showing the photos to tons of people. I e-mailed a few to my mom and sister-in-law who started squealing with delight! I thought you might like to know (that) everyone thinks the photos are stellar and that you captured the day perfectly! All are pleased, including me, with hiring you for the job! I just wanted to thank you again! Also, several people were QUITE impressed that, as part of your service, you assembled the photo albums that I ordered in such an artful and elegant way...they were all very impressed with the quality of service you provide.”
- Leslie Pazoureck & Robert Wise

“You do such beautiful work and I also wanted to thank you for being so great and easy to work with. I rarely noticed your presence during the wedding and reception, yet you caught so many great moments. I really appreciate you being so flexible yet committed to get as many great shots as you can...everyone commented on how easy you were to work with. For that I thank you many times over.”
- Laura and Mark Hinds

“Dear Teddi: We’d like to thank you again for taking such beautiful photos of our Orcas Island elopement. You are a gifted photographer and captured all of the very special moments of our wedding day. In addition to choosing picture-perfect backgrounds and settings for the photos where we posed, you also surprised us by taking so many candid shots. These photos are especially meaningful. Also, your warm energy helped to put us at ease and relax during the photo session before the ceremony - we were both so nervous! Because we eloped, we sent a formal announcement to our family and friends with a picture enclosed. We have received countless compliments on the photograph. Our friends have commented that the photo was “stunning”, “classic”, “timeless”, “gorgeous”, etc. We feel the same way. We’ve shared our album with many, many family and friends, and we’ve heard again and again, “In looking through your album, I felt like I was there.” You truly captured our wedding day perfectly. Thank you.”
- Jodi & Chris Corno

“I have been meaning to get back to you for the past few days to let you know how much Jason & I love our wedding photos. I’ve spent a lot of time over the past week browsing through ALL of the photos (wow, there are a TON of them; you weren’t kidding!), comparing one shot to another to identify my favorites...You and Elaina did an excellent job of capturing the emotions we felt on our wedding day, and your pictures will forever be a wonderful way for Jason & I to look back & relive that amazing day in our lives. Every moment throughout the day is documented in our albums, so they evoke such great memories every time we flip through them! Thank you so much for being our wedding photographer, Teddi! Jason & I both really enjoyed working with you, and we are very happy with the pictures you took for us...I will definitely recommend you to any future brides I encounter who are looking for a photographer.”
– Sarah Bayless

“You’ve by far exceeded the other photographers we’ve talked with- some times the prices compare, but the personality doesn’t...”
– Judy Newton & Joel Davis

“Hi Teddi, I just wanted to say thanks again for the pictures. I am so impressed with your skill. Everyone that was at the wedding says that you were wonderful to work with and that they are amazed at the beauty of all the pictures. You are definitely going to be recommended to other people! Thanks so much for capturing our special day so well.”
– Kristen (Montgomery) Mercier

“Let me just express my gratitude for the wonderful job you did at our wedding. We could not have been more happy with everything that you did for us. You truly helped make our big day special and you were a complete joy to work with. Every couple should be so lucky to find a photographer like you...I know we are. You can be sure that I will refer everyone I know to you for photographs, no matter what the occasion. Thanks again!”
– Julia and Trever McDermott

“I just wanted to tell you, again, how much I enjoyed meeting you and how impressed I was with your creativity, professionalism, and patience on my daughter’s wedding day. I think Janna and Nate were very fortunate to have found you, and we are excited about seeing the results of your work. Thanks, in advance, for what I know will be beautiful photos of a very special occasion.”
– Starr Peede

“...Thank you so much for everything. We really were honored to have you photograph our wedding...As you know, we did everything over the phone and Internet so we never knew what to expect but we were truly happy with what we got. One of my best friends said that a wedding should represent the couple and he felt that ours really did reflect what we were. You were definitely a part of that.”
– Rhea Singh

“Dear Teddi, Hello! We’re slowly emerging from under our piles of laundry and from jet lag. We are so absolutely thrilled with your pictures. I was on a huge high the rest of the day after we left your place. Thank you so much. They are treasures, for sure.”
– Karen Koll & Matthew Williams

“I did not get to thank you for how much I enjoyed and appreciated having you (at the wedding) not just for the pictures but for the support and guidance. I really felt comfortable with you and that made all the difference in the world to Terry and I and my family.”
– Nicole Schlueter

“Hi Teddi- I just wanted to let you know that we received the wedding photos and they are fabulous!!! We have been emailing them to all of our friends and families and they love them. Brian was very pleased with how my personal portraits came out. You did such a wonderful job putting our wedding day together with photos. I showed a friend here in Boston and she got to see the whole day unfold through the albums. We thank you for being the most important part of our wedding!”
- Molly and Brian Parnell

“Hi Teddi, Lauren and Corey just sent us a photo album from their wedding and I just had to let you know how pleased we are with the photographs. They are spectacular! Thank you again for doing such a wonderful job.”
- Bonnie & Howard Julien